
Last Updated: Sat 10 August 2024

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers's post The /now page movement and the Now Movement. The purpose of this page is to share what I'm currently focussed on, and will be updated as things change.

Recent Podcasts:

What's New?

Well it's high summer, hot days and cool nights. The goldenrod has grown up in our fields to about 5 ft talk and should be blooming soon! I look forward to the field of golden flowers and the bees diligently darting from flower to flower.

It's been a busy summer so far! We took a little trip to Ashville a month or so back and while there did a bit fo soul searching and were surprised to discover that we miss the city life! A lot. It's the convenience of things, currently every outing is a 2.5 hour drive for anything we need, from essentials such as food and doctor visits to makerspace meetings. Honestly we have kinda hit a wall with that and over the course of the vacation, decided a change was required. We were honestly surprised at how right and necessary the move was. And while we wil miss our mountain hideaway quite often, we will be heading into town to stay in the fall.

A few upsides from a maker angle, I'll have double the shop space and a nice quiet office. Also a huge kitchen and lots more space. It's a big change, but going to be some real life improvements overall. The rural life isn't for everyone and well... same here. Live and learn!

I love summer but, the thought of fall is starting to look tantalizing! Not that I want to rush the rest of this summer though!

What I'm Coding

What I'm Building

What I'm playing

Apps I'm using:

Books I'm Still Neglecting

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