I love listening to podcasts. Most of the time I listen on my android using AntennaPod which I highly recommend if you have an Android device! One thing I love about this app is it's ability to sync your podcast activity using the gPodder api. Sadly gPodder.net has become inaccessible to new users, with sign-ups being blocked. I believe the project has been abandoned at this point, but it's Open Source so I did the only thing you can do, I built an alternate server that you can host yourself or deploy on a hosting service such as Railway.app or Digital Ocean.(Tutorials /templates to come!)
I've dubbed the new service UrPodder in honor of the original but also to imply that this is yours to host, guaranteeing you'll have access as long as you want to use it! I have been hosting the service myself for a couple weeks now and feel things have matured enough to make it available for others to use.
I'm really excited to share this application and I hope you can make use of it's features! Please note, this is version #1 and can still be considered a Beta until more people ues it and verify it's all working as expected. Let me know if you find an issue!
There's more in the works for UrPodder, including an auto-deploying template for Railway.app, implementing the new Open Podcast API and additional Social features (Activity Pub?) I'm considering. Curious what you can do with besides sync? Check out my /now page where I am using urPodder to show my recent podcast listening history. I'll be posting a write up on how to add that to your own website if anyone is interested!
So what's it do?
- Sync with gpodder.net interfaces. ( If you're app supports gpodder.net then it should sync with this!)
- Keeps track of your podcast Subscriptions tracking adds & deletes.
- Saves your listening activity.
- Provides a couple of API end points for retrieving your last listen and getting a list recent listens.
- Enables devices to sync your history including where you stopped listening. (Syncing is done client-side, but this provides the required data)