1. Maker Update Winter 24

    A simple Identicon

    I tend to go into Maker hibernation from Dec through February in part due to my workshop not having all that much heat and insulation. Things get to be too hard to do there when its below freezing so I hibernate. For me this means some heavy gaming and coding …

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  2. Make Roanoke General Meeting

    Logo, reads MAKE Roanoke and has a socket wrench between the words with a star shape for the socket, Roanoke is called the Star City

    Tonight was the first General Meeting of the new Make Roanoke a new Makerspace that's working to get established in the Area. It was really fun to meet like-minded nerds that are as geeky as I am! There was surprisingly large turnout and the group overflowed the sizable meeting room …

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  3. Git Going

    It's An iceberg

    I’ve been on Github for a long time! It was fun in their early days and honestly still is a central location for sharing open-source code. Not sure if I would have ever considered leaving or canceling my paid subscription that I have had for years as well if …

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  4. Bye Bye Vz, its been too long

     Broken phone

    I was tethered to this telco monster for so long , it’s personally shocking and outright embarrassing. How did it go on like this? Why did I ignore their abundant sleazy scandals, lame efforts of customer lock-in, their attacks on Net Neutrality or the constant FCC violations? Honestly, I was …

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  5. The Big Web Breakup

    Zero Likes image

    For 2023 I have a few goals around my digital life which include ending my relationship with big tech. This project is inspired by my love for #indieweb and not being turned into a product. But I am further influenced by the big bird site meltdown. The latter was a …

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  6. If you can't fix the user..


    If you can't fix the user, try fixing the computer!

    Just a little hack I threw into my system to keep my sanity and fix my sloppy touch typing. I have a habit of typing gti instead of git when executing git commands, it’s really a matter of my …

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Software Engineer, Maker, Tiny House builder, Homesteader, artist, hiker, gamer.

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